As many of us know going to the dentist is necessary but can be quite expensive, right? That´s the reason why many of us decide to get a private health insurance for dental procedures.
Generally, getting a private health insurance is a smart idea and a great way to save on healthcare expenses that can take a significant toll on your pocket each year!
We want to inform you that with most Private Health insurances and extra covers also comes benefits! Believe it or not, but there are more than 12 million Australians with Private Health insurance and extras cover, but most of them don’t take advantage of all their benefits!
And: your benefits are limited!
That means, that most private health funds in Australia reset their benefits after December 31 and unfortunately, any unused benefits do not roll over to the next year!
A benefit limit is a maximum amount you can claim for specific services, which usually resets at the start of a new year.
So if you haven’t had a dental check-up & clean in the last six months and if you want to use, what you’ve already paid for, it may be a good idea to book an appointment with us, so we can schedule any required treatment and help you, before your benefits expire!
As the limits on your extras policy depend on your health fund and the cover that you have, we recommend calling your provider directly to get a full view of what you can claim before December 31st and before TIME RUNS OUT!
Feel free to give us a call us on 02 8021 5285 ASAP, as our books are being quite busy before Christmas!
Kindest Regards
Rainbow Dental Practice